Supreme Court: the Government sends the documents in extraordinary sessions, does not rule out a decree and makes it subject to negotiating an extension to 9

Supreme Court: the Government sends the documents in extraordinary sessions, does not rule out a decree and makes it subject to negotiating an extension to 9

Ariel Lijo and García Mansilla, included in the agenda. If only one succeeds, the Executive promises to appoint the other “in commission” immediately. No exchange plan, but open to expanding it if their candidates are approved in the Senate.

The National Government aspires to announce that in the eventual agenda for extraordinary sessions of Congress will include the projects to approve the candidates to integrate the Supreme Court, Ariel Lijo and Manuel García Mansilla. The window of opportunity is between January 15 and February 15. The senators spread the version that the Executive would be willing to approve Lijo’s application to join the highest court and that there could be a swap for the second candidate, with a woman proposed by the opposition. Before Ámbito, that version was completely denied. For the ruling party, the “both or neither”.

Although, now, with Lijo much closer to obtaining its approval through the constitutional endorsement mechanism of the Senate, The Government confirmed to this medium that, if that happens, the decree to appoint García Mansilla “on commission” will be ready on February 16.and thus complete the Supreme Court as Javier Milei designed it when he announced his candidates. They affirm that the version that includes only the federal judge is the one that interests the senators. It is something that coincides with the summer talks in Pinamar, where some members of Congress rest who were in charge of dispersing that Lijo’s vote is assured in the numberit only remained to know when. The numbers for García Mansilla are not there.

The Government reduces to zero the chances of an exchange of names with Peronism. Kirchnerism had sent that proposal when they facilitated the ninth vote in the Agreements Commission so that Lijo’s document would have an advantage. Without a defined name, Cristina Kirchner I wanted it to be a woman, with a greater preponderance of political rather than judicial origins. Ultimately, LLA’s discussion is not with that sector, but with the PRO, which resists the arrival of the federal judge. It is part of the discussion with some macrista sectors that have increased bellicosity against Santiago Caputo and in the parallel call to join forces in the elections through the inauguration of work teams proposed by Mauricio Macri.

In Casa Rosada they appeal to the argument that if the senators are capable of voting for Lijo with the questions he raises, they have no reason to ignore García Mansilla’s scrolls. If they do, I decree. That’s the plan.

But the negotiation opened another door mentioned above that now gains greater strength: the expansion of the Supreme Court. There are dialogues with the opposition whose main interlocutor is Santiago Caputo. There are interested parties. The Government does not abdicate from the discussion and says that It is on the negotiating table to bring it to 9 members and from there open a new fight for the four remaining names. However, everything is contingent on the entry of both original candidates. Not only are there conversations with sectors of Peronism, but they found interest in the radicals who could propose a candidate in an expanded structure of the highest Court.

All of these movements were within the radar of the Court, which ended the year with the certainty that it had annulled the chances of a decree as soon as Juan Carlos Maqueda, who was the official threat, resigned. However, they secretly discounted Lijo’s arrival, warned by the senators that once the obstacle of the commission was crossed, it was a matter of time. If the federal judge goes through the extraordinary appointment process there will not be any kind of questioning upon his arrival to the fourth floor of the Court Palace. It is unpredictable what could happen if the Government advances in a “mix” – with the decree in committee for its other candidate – because there would be a formally complete Court, but with a mix of procedures for its integration. A “blend” Court.

Source: Ambito

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