Javier Milei closes the year with a slight drop in the confidence index in the Government

Javier Milei closes the year with a slight drop in the confidence index in the Government

He Confidence in Government Index (GCI) prepared by the Torcuato Di Tella University marked 2.66% in December, a 0.3% drop compared to November, and remains without ICG.jpg In year-on-year terms The figure had a negative variation of -7.1%

According to the data collected, the current level of trust is 6.7% higher than the December 2016 measurement at the end of the first year of Mauricio Macri’s government, and 43.5% higher than the December 2020 measurement. during the management of Alberto Fernandez.

From the Di Tella University they noted that the December measurement of the Milei management remains unchanged in the level of confidence, compared to the previous month’s measurement.

The Government Confidence Index fell 0.3%

As in the November measurement, The level of 2.66 in the index exceeds the Milei era confidence average of 2.53 points during the 13 months of management. The difference between the maximum and minimum value of ICG in the period December 2023 to December 2024 is 0.7 points.


Monthly evolution of the ICG.

Torcuato Di Tella University.

The range of the ICG, measured as the difference between the maximum and minimum values ​​in the first months of the Macri administration, starting in January until December, was 0.65 points. This same range of difference between maximum and minimum scores of Alberto Fernández’s management was 1.44 points

The variation of the GCI compared to November was positive in one of its five components: the Capacity to solve the country’s problems (3.13 points, 2.0%).

Besides, The variation of the ICG with respect to November was negative in: Honesty of officials (2.92 points, -0.2%); the General Government Evaluation (2.44 points, -1.0%); Efficiency in the administration of public spending (2.61 points, -1.1%); and, finally, in Concern for the general interest (2.19 points, -2.0%).


Just like What was recorded in October and November, the December GCI was higher among men (2.94 points, with a positive variation of 5.0%) than among women (2.36 points, with a decrease of 7.5 %).

Unlike what was recorded in November, the GCI for December was higher in the segment made up of young people between 18 and 29 years old (2.86 points, with a growth of 6.3%).

This is followed by the segment made up of people over 50 years of age (2.73 points, with a negative variation of 3.9%). Finally, there is the segment composed of people between 30 and 49 (2.51 points, with an increase of 2.0%).

Regarding geographical location, as in November, the December GCI registered its highest value among those residing in the interior (2.87 points, with a decrease of 2.0%). Next are those who reside in GBA (2.33 points, with a growth of 7.9%) and, finally, those who reside in CABA (2.33 points, with a negative variation of 9.3%).

At the same time, the GCI for December registered its highest value among those who reached tertiary and/or university education (2.78 points, with a decrease of 0.4%). They are followed by those who achieved secondary education (2.65 points, with a growth of 1.9%). Finally, there are those who reached primary education (2.08 points, with a negative variation of 4.1%).

Source: Ambito

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