The government of Javier Milei expanded the Budget to meet salaries and expenses for December

The government of Javier Milei expanded the Budget to meet salaries and expenses for December

December 18, 2024 – 07:25

The Government readjusts the budget in the last weeks of the year to meet the payment of salaries, among other needs. In addition, the readjustment of funds to Intelligence, which were rejected by both chambers, is included.

Mariano Fuchila

With the signature of the ministers, the chief of staff and the president Javier Milei, the Government decided to expand the budget through Decree 1104/2024, published this Wednesday in the Official Gazette. Budget adjustment includes a reinforcement of credits allocated to personnel expenses, with the aim of guaranteeing the payment of salaries. In addition, it contemplates additional resources to cover operating expenses, acquisition of equipment and the allocation of credits for subsidies, scholarships, compensation and other transfers.

“It is necessary and urgent to incorporate various complementary provisions to the extension and modify the current budget, in order to guarantee the continuity of the functioning of the NATIONAL STATE,” explains the resolution.

Budget 2024: what changes were made in the last month of the year

  • The budget of the Intelligence Secretariat reducing the increased credits by virtue of the rejection of both chambers (Deputies and Senators) to expand the budget in that area. It is worth remembering that the Government had ordered an increase of $100,000 million in “reserved funds” but that decree was rejected.
  • Clearing of budget appropriations in the State Property Administration Agency, which depends on the head of the cabinet of ministers, in order to make the contribution to the NATIONAL TREASURY.
  • They reduce budget to National Parks Administration due to the termination of the IDB Tourist Corridors loan.
  • They increase the budget of the retirement and pension fund of the Federal Police to face the renewal of technical support services and the Agency’s computer equipment.
  • They increase the budget for the attention of Retirements, Retirements and Pensions of the aforementioned Organization and the cancellation of judicial rulings of social security origin for the payment of final judgments recognized in court.
  • They reinforce budget of the Armed Forces to finance medical care for the inhabitants of Chaco and Corrientes who have difficulties accessing the nearest medical centers by land, within the framework of the Joint Socio-Health – Fluvial 2024 Campaign.
  • Credits are incorporated into the Armed Forces for the payment of travel expenses for troops deployed in Peace Missions.
  • HE increases the budget allocated to the cancellation of judicial sentences pension funds from the Financial Aid Institute for payment of military retirements and pensions.
  • The budget allocated to theto the attention of the Retirements, Retirements and Pensions of the organization in order to address the impact that the salary increases granted to active personnel of the Armed Forces have on the assets of the Institute’s beneficiaries.
  • The budget of ANSES, a decentralized organization operating within the scope of the SECRETARIAT OF LABOR, EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL SECURITY of the MINISTRY OF HUMAN CAPITAL, is increased. intended to attend to Non-Personal Services to meet operating expenses of the organization.
  • A reduction in the ANSES pension benefits budget is reduced, since it had already been reinforced in July due to inflation assumptions that were higher.
  • The minimum and maximum amounts of unemployment benefits were increased, as a result of which it is necessary to reinforce the budget allocated to unemployment benefits.
  • Transfers are reinforced to the National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners (INSSJP), an entity that depends on the Ministry of Health.
  • Financial applications are increased in order to reflect the operations of the Sustainability Guarantee Fund.
  • Budget credits are readjusted to make it possible to provide public debt financial services.
  • Budget credits are adapted to meet obligations under the Treasury destined to ACUMAR, Matanza Riachuelo Basin Authority.
  • A budget is also adapted to meet obligations that depend on the Treasury in order to meet the provisions of the precautionary measure according to the File. SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE NATION Nº 1864/22.
  • The current credits charged to the Treasury are modified with the objective of constituting the guarantee deposit with the financial cost of the LEFI purchase and sale operations carried out by the Central Bank on July 10, 2024.

Where do the funds come from to adapt the Budget?

In the extensive decree, it is clarified that the corresponding budget modifications and the issuance of public title instruments for their implementation are authorized. In addition, it is clarified that the Ministry of Public Works can make use of the capital contribution from the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank). In addition, authorizations are incorporated for the financing of debt service and non-operating expenses for the acquisition of Coast Guard Ocean Navigation Vessels for the Naval Prefecture.

Finally, the Government clarifies that there is a maximum amount of bond placement for the payment of obligations, which is contemplated in the 2023 Budget, which is being extended this year. “It is necessary to determine the instrument in which the interest services and amortizations of the public debt will be paid during Fiscal Year 2025. That for strictly budgetary purposes, the modifications of the credits of the areas involved in the ministerial reorganization of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH NATIONAL are carried out with charge to the budget denominations of origin,” the decree concluded.

Source: Ambito

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