Drivers alert! The VTV has a new requirement for which they can disapprove you

Drivers alert! The VTV has a new requirement for which they can disapprove you

Recently, the Vehicle Technical Verification (VTV) underwent several changes in its requirements. This procedure is essential to be able to circulate in the country and its objective is to guarantee road safety and prevent mechanical failures in the vehicle in the future.

If the VTV is not approved, the driver must take an appointment again. 60 days later of the first inspection, once all the problems seen in the previous inspection have been fixed.

Requirements to pass the VTV

In the VTV there are several elements that will be checked for functionality and must be in good condition to pass. These are:

Who should do the VTV

In the City of Buenos Airesthe verification must be carried out by all drivers who have private vehicles with more than three years old or with more than 60 kilometers of use. Retirees, pensioners and people with disabilities are exempt from paying the license fee, but must complete the process in the same way.

In the Province of Buenos Aires everyone must do the VTVbut the exemption periods are counted from the date of first registration. Owners of private vehicles must do it annually after two years of use, while motorcycles are exempt during the first year.


Press Ministry of Transportation PBA

VTV cost in January 2025

In the City of Buenos Aires a value of $52,878.21 for cars and $19,882.72 for motorcycles. However, in the Province of Buenos Aires the values ​​to carry out the VTV are the following:

Light vehicles: $53,819.26.

Motorcycles: $21,527.47.

Vehicles up to 2,500 kilos: $53,819.26.

Vehicles weighing more than 2,500 kilos: $96,873.58.

Trailers and trailers up to 2,500 kilos: $32,291.19.

Trailers and trailers weighing more than 2,500 kilos: $48,436.79.

How to get an appointment for VTV

In the case of the City of Buenos Aires, the appointment is made through the website and complete the form with the corresponding data. Then you must choose the date, time and plant to carry out the management. Finally the payment must be completed.

On the other hand, to make an appointment for VTV in the province of Buenos Aires, it is necessary to follow the following steps:

  • Create a profile with personal data at
  • Register the vehicle in the indicated section.
  • Select “Request an appointment”.
  • Choose the desired day and date.
  • Fill in the owner’s information.
  • Show up on the scheduled date.

Source: Ambito

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