Euro today and Euro Blue today: how much did this Tuesday, January 28

Euro today and Euro Blue today: how much did this Tuesday, January 28

Look at how much the official euro and the euro blue closed.

He Euro today -Without taxes- closed to $ 1,062.40 For purchase already $ 1,132.02 For sale, According to the Central Bank.

As for the price in the black currency market, it was located in $ 1,260.94 For purchase already $ 1,281.78 For sale. The euro card marked the $ 1,471.63.

The countries that use the European currency As currency are: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands and Portugal.

How much the official dollar operated today, Tuesday, January 28

In the official change market, the Wholesale dollar It was offered to $ 1,051 per unit, that is, 50 cents above Monday’s closure.

How much was the future dollar today, Tuesday, January 28

All contracts in the future dollar for the first semester operated on the rise, as in eight of the last ten days. In this way, the market “Price” a “Crawling Peg” of 1.7% monthly, on average, above 1% announced by the BCRA from February.

Annualized nominal rates (TNA) converge to the 21%/22% zone by mid -year. The estimated official exchange rate for June is $ 1,144.

How much did the blue dollar operate today, Tuesday, January 28

He Blue dollar quoted at $ 1,230, Therefore, the gap was 17%.

How much is offered The MEP dollar today, Tuesday, January 28

He MEP dollar operated a $ 1,161.38 So the gap with the officer was located in the 10.5%.

CCL dollar value today, Tuesday, January 28

He dollar Counted with liquidation (CCL) it was sold to $ 1,175.50 and the Spread with the officer positioned in 10.9%.

Dollar price today, Tuesday, January 28

He Card or tourist dollarand the Savings dollar (either solidary) operated a $ 1,391.65.

Crypto dollar price today, Tuesday, January 28

He Crypto dollar or Bitcoin dollar quote a $ 1,190.11, according to Bitso.

Bitcoin value today, Tuesday, January 28

He Bitcoin, The most popular cryptocurrency on the market, operates US $ 101,424.73, according to Binance.

Source: Ambito

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