It started with pain when swallowing, then there was tinnitus and dizziness – seven specialists and eight years passed. The woman did not give up – in the end she had an operation that brought about a cure.
Recorded by Astrid Viciano
The patient was initially short-tempered when she came to my consultation. She had been trying to find out what illness she was suffering from for eight years. She had already seen seven different specialists, but no one had been able to help her. During our conversation, the woman in her mid-fifties noticed that I was taking her seriously and told me her whole story: It all started with pain when swallowing. At first, the family doctor assumed it was a normal throat infection. When the symptoms did not go away, the woman went to the dentist to have it checked whether the pain was radiating from her teeth into her throat. But her teeth were completely healthy.
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Source: Stern
I’m Caroline, a journalist and author for 24 Hours Worlds. I specialize in health-related news and stories, bringing real-world impact to readers across the globe. With my experience in journalism and writing in both print and online formats, I strive to provide reliable information that resonates with audiences from all walks of life.