Strong immune system: How to get your immune system ready for autumn

Strong immune system: How to get your immune system ready for autumn

Sniffle, cough, gasp! As soon as the leaves fall, the first wave of colds sets in. In autumn, rhinoviruses etc. are booming and the immune system has to do hard work to ward off the pathogens. While some people get sick when someone sneezes in the distance, others seem to be almost immune to any pathogen.

This is how you strengthen the immune system

The difference is made by the respective state of the immune system, which is responsible for not giving viruses and bacteria a chance in the body. If the immune system is weak, the fight against the pathogens is almost hopeless. However, there are ways to effectively strengthen the body’s immune system – and they can be easily integrated into everyday life. We present nine of them in the photo series.

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Source: Stern

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