They extend the National Tourism Fund and maintain a 7% tax that applies to tickets

They extend the National Tourism Fund and maintain a 7% tax that applies to tickets

After the elimination of the PAIS tax, the Government decided to extend the National Tourism Fund that applies a 7% tax on tickets. The measure was confirmed by the official Gazette.

After the elimination of the PAIS tax, the Government decided to extend the validity of the National Tourism Fund for two years, extending it until December 31, 2027. Due to this measure, the 7% tax on the price of tickets is maintained. air, sea and river abroad.

The measure was made official by the Official Gazette this Monday, January 6, through Decree 4/2027, which has the signatures of the chancellor. Gerardo Wertheinthe Minister of Defense Luis Petrithe head of the Ministry of Economy Luis Caputothe Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich, Sandra Pettovello representing the Ministry of Human Capital, and the Minister of Deregulation Federico Sturzenegger.

What is the National Tourism Fund

This program, implemented 20 years ago, aims to promote development of the tourism industry in the country. From now on, it will be under the management of the Secretary of Tourism, Environment and Sports, Daniel Scioli. The measure was supported by the signature of a large part of the Cabinet, including Luis “Toto” Caputo.

The fund was originally created by the National Tourism Law enacted in January 2005, whose purpose is to promote, regulate and develop tourism activity in the country. Furthermore, lThe standard establishes the conservation and sustainable use of national resources and tourist attractions, guaranteeing quality and promoting cooperation between the public and private sectors in the tourism field.

The main purpose of the Fund is promote and regulate national tourist activitywith a focus on sustainable development and improving the quality of tourism services. Its administration is in charge of the Vice Chief of Staff of the Interiorin collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Sports, headed by Daniel Scioli.

tourism plane flights

The fund was originally created by the National Tourism Law enacted in January 2005

The fund was originally created by the National Tourism Law enacted in January 2005

The second renewal of the National Tourism Fund

With the recent publication, the National Tourism Fund is renewed again, marking the second extension of its validity, as detailed in the exposed foundations: That the validity of the Fund in question, in accordance with the provisions of section m) of article 24 of Law No. 25,997 and its amendments, was established for a period of TEN (10) years, having been extended, by mandate of article 58 of Law No. 27,008, for another TEN (10) years, starting on January 5, 2015.”

The institution, which operates under the orbit of the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers, It is financed through various sources: the items assigned in the Budget of the National Administration, donations and legacies to the national State intended for tourist purposes, interests, surcharges, fines and other economic sanctions for non-compliance with current regulations, income from services provided to third parties and concessions granted, in addition to the mentioned 7% tax known as DNTas stipulated in the legislation.

Source: Ambito

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