PAIS tax: according to an official report, the lowering of the tax impacted the price of food

PAIS tax: according to an official report, the lowering of the tax impacted the price of food

October 27, 2024 – 15:20

The Ministry of Deregulation headed by Federico Sturzenegger released a report in which it recorded a real drop in prices of up to 10.3%.


In September, the Government made official the reduction of the PAIS tax to 7.5% on the use of dollars for the payment of imports of goods and freight from abroad. Now an official report ensures that the prices of imported food and beverages fell on average 2.4%, with peaks of up to 10%.

The Ministry of Deregulation and Transformation of the State released a text in which it maintains that after the 10-point reduction in the PAIS Tax was implemented, the prices of these products “experienced an average real drop of 2.4%with decreases of up to 10% in some cases, while national products registered an increase of 3%“.

“This occurred despite the increase in the price of the official dollar, which under normal circumstances would have caused an increase in the prices of imported products. However, the tax reduction managed to offset this effect, keeping the prices of these goods stable and even causing a drop in certain cases”says the statement.

Furthermore, the official report maintains that the national goods considered increased in line with inflation, and in September, a month after the tax reduction, these goods registered an increase very similar to the 2.3% reported by INDEC.


“This shows that the reduction of the PAIS Tax directly benefited consumers through a drop in the final price,” the report states.

From the portfolio, headed by Federico Sturzenegger, they detailed that The falls were between 1.5% and 10.3%; The products that fell the most were canned goods, cookies and jams with real reductions of 10.3%, 4% and 2.7%, respectively.

“The 10-point reduction in the COUNTRY Tax generated a drop in import costs, which translated into a real decrease in the prices of imported food and beverages, with an average decrease of 2.4%. This drop in prices benefits directly to consumers and shows the immediate impact of the drop in the tax on final prices,” the report concludes.

Source: Ambito

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