Lilia Lemoine vindicated US Senator Joseph McCarthy against communism: “What did he do besides being right?”

Lilia Lemoine vindicated US Senator Joseph McCarthy against communism: “What did he do besides being right?”

The deputy Lilia Lemoine vindicated the US senator Joseph McCarthy and his famous “witch hunt“anti-communist from the 50s. “Did he kill anyone? No. What did he do besides being right?the libertarian wrote through her social networks.

Lilia Lemoine vindicates Joseph McCarthy

The affinity of Javier Milei’s government for the American Republican sector and, mainly, for its candidate Donald Trump is public knowledge. In the midst of the electoral process in the North American country, representative Lilia Lemoine used her social networks to leave a strong message demanding the anti-communist witch hunt which took place in the 1950s.

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“But…what did McCarthy REALLY do? He said that the communists had infiltrated the governmentacademia and art. Did he kill someone? No. What did he do besides being right?”, began the message from the La Libertad Avanza legislator.

Later, Lemoine declared: “If he had made a mistake Today someone like Kamala Harris would not be a candidate and there would be no 2030 agenda”. In this way, Lemoine vindicated what was stated by the former US senator and positioned himself for the presidential elections that face the exPresident Donald Trump against Democrat Kamala Harris.

“It is a very effective chicane. Something is true… communism is a plague; is a KILLER ideology which should have no place in a civilized society, they are no better than fascists or Nazis. It is an ideology that is imposed, not adopted,” Lemoine stated.

Who was Senator Joseph McCarthy

Joseph McCarthy was an influential US senator from the Republican Partyknown primarily for his role in the anti-communist witch hunts during the Cold War. Born on November 14, 1908 in Grand Chute, Wisconsin, McCarthy graduated from Marquette University with a law degree and served as a judge before being elected senator in 1946. position he held until his death in 1957.

The renowned Republican senator gained notoriety in the early 1950s by claiming to have a list of 205 alleged communists who had infiltrated the State Department.. This act began a period known as “McCarthyism.”

This period was characterized by investigations and unfounded accusations against individuals suspected of being communistswhich generated an atmosphere of tension and paranoia in American society. The aggressive approach that McCarthy took and his ability to shape public opinion led him to gain great popularity, with special support from the most conservative sectors of the United States.

In this way, in his work as president of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on InvestigationsMcCarthy held hearings on numerous people in the Government, Hollywood and other areas of vital importance.

However, McCarthyism did not end in the best way. In 1954, The senator wanted to investigate the United States Armed Forceswhich earned him a political trial against him.

Finally, said legal process brought to light its unethical methods and his unfounded accusations about individuals in American society. This culminated in his conviction for improper conduct by the Senatewhich significantly weakened his political influence

Ideological audits in the Argentine Foreign Ministry

After the controversial departure of Diana Mondino of the Foreign Ministrythe Government announced that it will open a investigation to identify those who promote agendas enemies of freedom“. This will take place after what was the vote of the former libertarian official at the UN in rejection of the US embargo on Cuba.

Through a statement published on the official social networks of the President’s Office, the ruling party explained that the country “going through a period of profound changes“and this new stage” demands that our diplomatic corps reflect in every decision the values ​​of freedom, sovereignty and individual rights that characterize the western democracies“. In this sense, they stressed that the Government “is categorically opposes the Cuban dictatorship” and will continue firm in its foreign policy against “all regimes that perpetuate the violation of human rights and individual freedoms.”

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Thus, the libertarian administration announced that they will open an investigation to find those officials who are not aligned with the profile promoted by the Milei administration. “The Argentine Republic will defend the aforementioned principles in all international forums in which it participates and the Executive Branch will begin an audit of the career staff of the Chancellerywith the objective of identifying promoters of agendas that are enemies of freedom,” they stated.

Source: Ambito

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