The Government applied a selective chainsaw on discretionary funds for the provinces in January

The Government applied a selective chainsaw on discretionary funds for the provinces in January

While from Casa Rosada the demand to the provinces that they deepen tax austerity, On the other hand, in January they were sent $ 86,474 million in discretionary transfers concepts.

The increase with respect to last year is Deceptive: 3,727% real, but compared to a month in which they had passed to the national consolidated just $ 1,223 million. Last year the government made a 98%transfers cut.

To take better dimension of the adjustment that the National Government continues to maintain on the provinces, according to the consultant Politikon Chaco, this is the third worst shipping for a month of January since 2004.

The transfers of 2025 were barely higher than those of the same month last year, and that those of the similar period of 2010. Therefore, it can be concluded that,, Despite the increase in resources, from Casa Rosada the cut is maintained.

Even so, when “escarba” a little, the data indicate that of the 24 districts, Only two explain the strong rise with respect to 2024. The other 22 subnational states were sent sums that, strictly speaking, are ridiculous.


Source: Chaco Politikón based on official data

“In this context, another important aspect that relativizes the indicated percentage variation: 98% of transfers to provinces were concentrated by City of Buenos Aires (90% of the total) and Chubut (8%) ”, Poitikon Chaco points out.

The report states that “in the Buenos Aires case, it was the district that took the largest amount of resources, explained by the payment of $ 77,804 million before the fulfillment of precautionary measure Supreme Court of Justice ”. It is about the cause for the recovery of co -participation funds that had begun Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, When the then President Alberto Fernández repealed a decree of Mauricio Macri, which granted him a sum of just over 2 co -participation points.

“This is the same concept that explained the growth of these shipments for the Autonomous City during 2024. In the case of Chubut, he received $ 7,000 of contributions from the National Treasury (ATN) “the report points out. In this case, it would be explained by the forest fires that has been supporting the province throughout the month.

Among the other 22 districts, only three received transfers above $ 100 million (La Rioja, with $ 681 million; Santa Cruz, with $ 505 million and Buenos Aires with $ 105 million)14 received between $ 2 million and $ 70 million; And there is five provinces that did not receive funds In the first month of the year: Catamarca, Entre Ríos, Formosa, Salta and Tierra del Fuego.

Regarding the distribution of funds according to the origin, 90% of them concentrated on the obligations in charge of the Treasury (for the payment of CABA carried out by this institutional jurisdiction); 8.1% corresponded to the indoor cabinet vicepathy (by the ATN to Chubut); 1.4% to the Ministry of Economy for Public Works and Agricultural Emergencies programs and 0.5% to the Ministry of Health by various programs.

Despite this, the provinces make their adjustment


According to data from the Argentine Institute of Fiscal Analysis (Iaraf), The set of provinces has been making a fiscal adjustment that is similar to that made by the Nation.

80% of its own resources are concentrated in the Gross Income Tax, which last year registered a real 10% dropto which 9% co -participation losses were added and falling discretionary transfers resources. The total provincial public spending had a real year -on -year decrease of 20% and the provinces closed with primary surplus.

Source: Ambito

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