
History: 30 years of the WWW: 89 percent of Germans use the Internet

History: 30 years of the WWW: 89 percent of Germans use the Internet

Tim Bernes-Lee first presented his concept for a World Wide Web to the public 30 years ago – today it connects over four billion people worldwide.

30 years after the concept for the World Wide Web was presented, the Internet is used by around 61 million people aged 16 and over in Germany alone.

The digital association Bitkom published statistics on this on Thursday. According to this, 89 percent of this age group in Germany use the Internet.

On August 6, 1991, the scientist Tim Berners-Lee presented his concept for a World Wide Web with hyperlinked websites to a larger specialist public for the first time. He published a corresponding proposal in the Usenet debate forum. The world’s first website is a little older: the British physicist had already activated the info.cern.ch website at the European Nuclear Research Center CERN near Geneva on November 13, 1990. Next to e-mail, the web is the most important service on the Internet.

According to Bitkom, over 4 billion people are now globally networked. The number of websites has literally exploded in the past 30 years. “Today there are more than 1.8 billion websites – on a long-term average, around 60 million additional pages are put online every year.”

Bitkom Managing Director Bernhard Rohleder stated that the vast majority of humanity benefit from the global pool of data, information and knowledge that is accessible via websites. “Nevertheless, our society is still divided into online and offline users, also in Germany. 8 million people in Germany have not yet found access to the Internet. ”

Participation in digitization must be a matter of course for everyone in Germany, emphasized Rohleder. Access to the Internet is only the first step. “People must also be able to move safely and confidently in the digital world. To this end, digital participation must be promoted more actively across society. ”

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