
Meat exporters demand measures to raise the price of the farm

Meat exporters demand measures to raise the price of the farm

In addition, he estimated that for the first months of the year, producer prices will be “between 30% and 40% below” in the interannual comparison.

In radio statements, Ravettino commented that he has told the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, and the Secretary of Agriculture, Juan Bahillo, that the value of the farm “is very delayed” and said that, in the case of exports, “although they are interesting, they are not generating profitability at the moment”.

The manager ruled out that an aid measure for the sector could be a differentiated exchange rate, as happened with soybeans.

“An alternative such as the soybean dollar was analyzed but for me at this moment it is ruled out. Perhaps they are thinking of some other stimulus, because the Government understands this problem and does not want the price of farms to rise suddenly and consequently the price of the meat to the counter do the same“, he emphasized.

In his opinion, if this situation is not reversed “it is going to be a terrible problem”, and he added: “It can generate a catastrophic situation when the treasury increases what it really has to increase, because at this moment it is paralyzed.”

On the other hand, Ravettino made reference to the decision of the Government to suspend the chopping in the commercialization of meat.

“Argentina continues leveling down, because instead of joining the international production model, we continue with these systems (due to the distribution of meat in half cattle) and with all these problems that we have”he stressed.

In addition, he said that chopping not only favors the worker, “but also the safety of the product.”

For the leader, the provinces “They put a lot of pressure and then this issue of chopping, which had a technical-sanitary consideration, ceased to be an issue of that nature to be a political issue.”

Source: Ambito

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