
Sustainability measures: How companies benefit from their use

Sustainability measures: How companies benefit from their use

The economic situation has worsened in recent months. Irrespective of this, the issues of sustainability and climate protection have gained in importance for companies: This is the central result of an international study by the consulting firm Deloitte. 2,000 executives were surveyed globally. “Managers see climate change as a key factor in aligning their corporate strategy, ahead of innovation or HR issues. This is also reflected in concrete actions. 75 percent of those surveyed increased their investments in sustainability last year, almost 20 percent of them significantly.” , says Harald Breit, Managing Director of Deloitte Austria.

The measures taken vary: Around 60 percent use sustainable materials or use energy efficiently. Around half of the companies train employees on the subject of climate change or develop climate-friendly products and services.

Customers want action

The commitment is often due to the increased demands of the various interest groups: Around two-thirds said that management and employees, but also regulators, customers and civil society would demand a confrontation with climate change.

According to the study, measures in the area of ​​sustainability have a positive effect on the image, customer satisfaction and the well-being of the workforce. There are still difficulties in evaluating the long-term financial benefits.

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Source: Nachrichten

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