
Brain: how to use music to relieve stress

Brain: how to use music to relieve stress



How to use music to calm stress

Spending time listening to music is essential to deal with stress. Although it is beneficial to listen to music while doing some other activity, when it comes to using music as a tool to calm anxiety and stress, it is best to establish a time dedicated to music therapyso that the sounds really have their healing effects. It is important to spend some minutes of mindfulness, close your eyes and let yourself be carried away by the sound.

Listen to classical music or ancient mantras

The best thing to calm the mind in the face of episodes of stress and anxiety is to listen classical music and ancient mantras. classical music is extremely mathematical: each rhythm and harmony has a proportion and specific rule. This benefits the brain, as feeds on that order and, being in contact with it, it also becomes tidysince it naturally synchronizes with the specific rhythm of what is being heard.

On the other hand, the mantras have an effect meditativewhich helps calm the thoughts, improve mental clarity and increase peace.


listening to positive songs

It is best to listen songs that impact positively in the brain. Since music can affect the mental and emotional health. For example, listening to songs that tend to be a bit darker and more frenetic can have a total impact on the brain.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose melodies that lift the moodincrease the good humorgive hope and make us feel more energy or calmdepending on what is needed.

Source: Ambito

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