
The best yoga poses for beginners – with variations for every level

The best yoga poses for beginners – with variations for every level

Yoga is neither a sport nor is it about becoming as flexible as possible. It’s about feeling comfortable in your own body. Nevertheless, immobile people in particular often shy away from stretching postures. Jelena Lieberberg, certified yoga teacher, alternative practitioner and osteopath from Berlin, started yoga 20 years ago. Nevertheless, she can still remember the beginnings well.

Tips for getting started with yoga

“For some immobile people, it can feel as if you are in a diving suit that is much too tight and can hardly breathe in your own body because of claustrophobia,” describes the expert. That’s why you should approach the movement sequences with fun and without great expectations. It’s a good idea to set aside 15 to 20 minutes a day to move around on the mat or go through a few sun salutations.

“Put more emphasis on practicing regularly than focusing on one long session every two weeks,” advises Jelena Lieberberg. “Those 15 to 20 minutes will help wake up the system in the morning and end the day in the evening,” she says.

What many newcomers to yoga – apart from the unfamiliar poses – find difficult: breathing, a cornerstone of yoga. Connecting the physical practice with the flow of the breath is one of the most important aspects of yoga. “But beginners are so busy doing all the positions properly that they forget to breathe,” explains the yoga teacher. The breath forms the basis for the postures. Beginners should therefore train from the start to observe their breath and let it flow steadily.

To get started with yoga, Jelena Lieberberg has put together eight postures that, when performed one after the other, result in a perfect sequence for beginners. For the more demanding poses, the yoga teacher shows a simpler variant for beginners and the complete pose for advanced users. In this way, everyone can approach the eight asanas according to their own mobility.

Source: Stern

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