
Disapproval of Lacalle Pou’s management rises to 42%

Disapproval of Lacalle Pou’s management rises to 42%

The study of Figure highlighted the existence of hard cores on both sides, attributing a party polarization, where mobility from one side to another in the evaluation is almost non-existent: only one of every 10 official voters disagrees with the administration, as well as only one of every 10 people who didn’t vote for him admit some achievements.

The president’s image is strengthened in the interior of Uruguay and finds its Achilles heel in the capital. Montevideobastion of the leftist Broad Front (FA) where the tendency to reject the president is greater, while inside the country approval exceeds discontent by around 10%.


Lacalle Pou triumphs in sectors with less formal studies, while those with more education (primary and/or secondary education) differ in their opinion.

Taking into account the current evolution, if compared to the month of August, the approval fell by the minimum, while the rejection grew 4 percentage points. So far this year, the positive view has plummeted 8%, being 55% in February, to currently reach a floor of 47%. On the rise is the opposite pole, where growing disgust made disapproval climb from 34% to 42%.

The evolution during three years of government is not favorable to the ruling party: from the first year to the second the average drop in approval was 3%, while, with a growing trend, a drop in the current image of 10% was added, tripling the initial variation according to data published by the consulting firm Cifra.

Source: Ambito

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