
What are Marcos Galperín’s tips for success?

What are Marcos Galperín’s tips for success?

The keys to success, according to Marcos Galperín

“The way is long. You don’t have to believe it too much when things are going well, nor get too frustrated when things are going very badly. You have to try to have that. emotional stability and for this the long-term vision helps”.

“As entrepreneurs, we have to learn to Take risks. That also means knowing that the chances of failing are high and not falling apart if you fail. Nor should we enjoy the failure of others. That is terrible and makes society much more conservative.”

“You have to feel comfortable taking risks. Me I saw a much more conservative Uruguay when I came in 2002 than what it is now. I saw a society less comfortable with risk than the one I see now, which is a more diverse society. I perceive a greater propensity to accept risk.”

“You have to look for partners that complement you, not that reinforce your strengths and increase your weaknesses. Partners who help you walk that path of many ups and downs, of many failures and some successes.

The appeal of Uruguay

Marcos Galperin highlighted, in his presentation, the stability that Uruguay had in the last 20 years. “He was very stable in keeping a country project visionto prioritize quality of life, export services, generate spaces where there is tax attractiveness for companies to come and settle,” he said.

The Argentine businessman assured that keeping the course despite the change of administrations, between conservatives and progressives, made the country much more interesting to invest and settle.

Source: Ambito

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