
ASSE dreams of complementing public and private care

ASSE dreams of complementing public and private care

More funding for ASSE amid inequity between departments

In the Accountability they were approved 40 million pesos for ASSE with the aim of turning them over to training in palliative care throughout the country. Henderson informed the senators that, nationally, the 65% of the patients who require it have access to this care, a figure that is increasing if we take as a reference the 53% that was covered in the year 2020.

Although he also highlighted differences in access when compared with private health providers over the years 19 apartments from the country. In this sense, he highlighted Maldonado, where the dream of complementation is fulfilled. At the other extreme, and by way of self-criticism, he commented that in Florida there is no adult or pediatric palliative care provided by ASSE, and that in the rest of the country “there is everything“.

Uruguay would become the fifth country to Latin America in legislating palliative care if the project is approved, a country in which, despite the fact that there is no specialty in palliative care, according to the chief, “it’s very nice” compared to other countries in the region. Along these lines, he mentioned that training is already offered for doctors, nurses, psychologists and social workers, which are the four specialties that make up the care team. He also explained that the formation of teams palliatives would help the 40% of patients can be cared for directly at home.

In principle, the bill would be voted on November 8thwith full agreement of Senatealthough after the request of two senators, the minister of Public health, Daniel Salinas, so that from your point of view. The senator of wide front, daniel oleskeraffirmed in any case that “the idea is, once the minister is heard, to be able to approve it.”

Source: Ambito

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