
UK to send arms aid to Ukraine to fight Russia

UK to send arms aid to Ukraine to fight Russia

More specifically, the advertised package consists of 125 anti-aircraft guns and technology to counter drones supplied by Iran, including dozens of radars and anti-drone electronic warfare capability.

Likewise, the United Kingdom will also reinforce andThe process of training the Armed Forces of Ukraine with doctors and military engineers to offer specialized support, the premier’s office reported in a statement picked up by the Sky News news channel.

This aid is added to the more than 1,000 new anti-aircraft missiles announced by Wallace earlier this month.

Arms aid comes after newly inaugurated Prime Minister Rishi Sunak visited kyiv with the aim of showing clear support from his management in the United Kingdom. “Great Britain knows what it is to fight for freedom,” said the premier.


British PM shows his support for Ukraine

The British Prime Minister met last Saturday with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskyin what was his first trip to Ukraine since the beginning of his term.

“The UK knows what it means to fight for freedom. We are with you to the end”Sunak noted. In response, Zelensky spoke of the good relationship between the two countries: “With friends like you by our side, we are confident of our victory. Our two nations know what it means to defend freedom.” The exchange took place through the official accounts of both leaders on Twitter.

UK support for Ukraine in the context of the Russian invasion was initially motivated by former Prime Minister Boris Jhonsonin an endorsement that was continued by her successor Liz Truss, the outgoing prime minister last October.

Source: Ambito

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