
“Reichsbürger” – Further operations against terrorist groups are to follow

“Reichsbürger” – Further operations against terrorist groups are to follow

The German security authorities expect further suspects and searches. The investigation will also look at whether the suspects have hidden other weapons. 23 of the 25 arrested are now in custody, said a spokeswoman for the federal prosecutor in Karlsruhe on Thursday.

The spokeswoman was unable to say when the two men arrested in Austria and Italy would be brought before the investigating judges. The searches would continue.

The authorities arrested 25 people on Wednesday. She accuses 22 of them of being a member of a terrorist organization that wanted to overthrow the political system in Germany. Three other arrested people are said to be supporters.

The spokeswoman did not give any details about the weapons seized. She also did not provide any information as to whether the interrogations and investigations gave any indication of other suspects.

As the President of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), Holger Münch, said on Wednesday evening in the ZDF “heute journal”, weapons were also found in around 50 objects. The representatives of the Interior Committee of the Bundestag had been informed that two long guns, a handgun, swords and crossbows, alarm guns and signal guns had been found during the raid. These were only partially found among suspected members of the group who have a gun license. According to reports, service weapons were also among them.

In the ARD “Morgenmagazin” Münch spoke out in favor of a more detailed examination of security forces: One must be able to rely “on the fact that everyone is fully behind the free democratic basic order”. The President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Thomas Haldenwang, made a similar statement in the ARD “Tagesthemen”. All individuals inducted into federal and state security agencies should be screened.

There have been security checks of this kind in the BKA for a long time, said Münch. This is now also common in many state police forces. “And I think that where it’s not already done, we will introduce it in the foreseeable future.” The work is worthwhile because the authorities also make it clear what values ​​they stand for.

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Source: Nachrichten

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