
Planners as an opportunity for Wengermühle

Planners as an opportunity for Wengermühle

The train to reactivate Wengermühle as a restaurant has not yet left. As reported, owner Norbert Hartl is considering such a step, but there are problems with the room height on the one hand and with the monument protection, which hardly allows any changes, on the other.

The Vöcklabruck district captain Johannes Beer has dealt with the cause. Hartl obtained information from a preliminary consultation on the plant, during which the labor inspectorate made negative comments about the insufficient room height. However, there is no statement or decision from the trade authority, especially since the license for it has expired due to the fact that the hospitality industry has not been practiced for more than five years, according to Beer. “This is not an official decision, but provided for in the law.”

It is up to the planner to find a clever solution. In particular, it is about the kitchen, where a greater room height is required for reasons of employee protection. But that’s where conservation comes into play. The situation is “tricky,” says Beer, but reactivation cannot be completely ruled out: Hartl must commit to a project and submit it. That is then the basis for the decision.



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Source: Nachrichten

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