
New Year’s Baby: Johanna was born 40 seconds after midnight

New Year’s Baby: Johanna was born 40 seconds after midnight

The girl is 51 cm tall and weighs 3,680 grams. The mother and her first child are doing well, the LKH Hartberg announced. Just a few moments later at 12:01 a.m. Nic was born in Leoben. The young Styrian weighs 3,750 grams and is 55 cm tall. Mother and child are doing well, according to the LKH Leoben.

In Lower Austria, little Rocky was born at 0.30 a.m. in the St. Pölten state hospital. The boy weighs 3,515 grams and is 52 cm tall. Little Antonia was born at 2.21 a.m. in the Tulln University Hospital. She weighs 3,040 grams and is 51 cm tall.

Little Barbara was born at 1.07 a.m. in the Oberpullendorf hospital in Burgenland. She weighs 3,260 grams and is 51 cm tall. Also at 1.07 a.m. in Tyrol, Alexandar was born in the Zams state hospital. At a height of 53 cm, it still manages to weigh 3,945 grams. The boy is his mother’s third child.

In Salzburg, little Amelie saw the light of day at 1.17 a.m. in the Cardinal Schwarzenberg Clinic in Schwarzach im Pongau. The girl weighs 2,560 grams and is 45 cm tall. At 1.36 a.m., little Ida Andrea was born in the Dornbirn hospital in Vorarlberg. At a height of 51 cm, the girl weighs 2,774 grams.

Florian Liberatus was born at 2.29 a.m. in the Villach State Hospital. The young Carinthian weighs 2,420 grams and is 47 cm tall. Here, too, mother and child are doing well.

No information is available from Upper Austria.

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Source: Nachrichten

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