
Ten births a day at the Kepler Klinikum

Ten births a day at the Kepler Klinikum

With a total of 3694 births, 3785 babies saw the light of day in the Kepler University Hospital in 2022: 1850 girls and 1935 boys (of which 89 were twins and 1 was triplets). That’s the equivalent of around ten births a day.

“The delivery room on Med Campus IV. of the Kepler University Hospital Linz with a homogeneous team of motivated, experienced and young midwives is a very special place of appreciation for our patients, their babies and relatives as well as for collegial cooperation,” says Susanne Pichler, head delivery room midwife.

The medical support team is always available in the event of a risky birth or unforeseen complications. “The individual support in advance and the medical competence strengthen the confidence of the mothers so that they can experience the birth positively,” emphasize the senior physician Iris Scharnreitner and the senior physician Patrick Stelzl.

“At 30.3%, we are below the Austrian average of about 32% and below the overall average of about 36% of comparable Austrian perinatal centers with the highest level of care, despite our significantly higher average proportion of obstetric risk clients. We are particularly proud of this number because it reflects the high quality of our daily work. We support caesarean sections that are necessary, but we believe that like any other surgical measure, these require a clear justification or indication”. explains Peter Oppelt, Head of the University Clinic for Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Gynecological Endocrinology.



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Source: Nachrichten

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