
Eleven people in a car: children were in the trunk

Eleven people in a car: children were in the trunk

Officials from the Upper Austrian state traffic department were amazed when they checked a Ukrainian car on the A1 on Wednesday morning. The civil patrol had stopped the car at the Traun exit because the police officers had seen a small child on the passenger’s lap.

As it turned out, the toddler was not the only person in the vehicle who was not properly secured: More passengers than allowed had crowded into the back of the car with two adult women and four children. But that’s not all: In the trunk, the officers discovered two more children lying across the luggage.

The driver paid a security deposit, the police said in the evening. A further journey with all eleven passengers in one car was prohibited. In order to be able to transport everyone, an additional car had to come.



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Source: Nachrichten

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