
20-year-old raped and killed: murder charges against two men

20-year-old raped and killed: murder charges against two men

The 25-year-old apartment owner and a 30-year-old friend of the man are accused of intentionally killing the woman and rape. There is no trial date yet, the defense attorneys have two weeks to object to the prosecution.

The 25-year-old had called the rescue early in the morning – but initially for himself and not for the young woman after he had kicked a shard of glass barefoot. Rescue was not called for the woman until 10:00 a.m. Any help came too late for her – as the autopsy revealed, on which the prosecution now relies, she bled to death as a result of the injuries inflicted on her.

30-year-old hid in basement

When the police arrived, the 30-year-old, who had been drinking with the apartment owner and the young woman that night, was hiding in the basement. When he was tracked down there, he pretended to the officials that he wanted to “clean up” there. After their arrest, the accused made contradictory statements about the course of the night and the course of events.

According to the indictment, there was initially a lot of alcohol in the apartment. Then the 30-year-old is said to have abused the woman, which led to a dispute between the two men. After all, both are said to have raped their victim with extraordinary violence for around an hour, which led to massive bleeding in the physically inferior and therefore defenseless woman.

10 to 20 years imprisonment

When she lost consciousness, she was given a cold shower, and before she got help, the accused are said to have cleaned and cleaned the apartment or objects in order to cover up what was happening. Now they face ten to 20 years or life imprisonment if convicted in accordance with the charges.

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Source: Nachrichten

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