
Rainy Glöckler barrels and severe damage to the caps

Rainy Glöckler barrels and severe damage to the caps

In the afternoon, heavy rainfall spread in the Salzkammergut. Punctually at the beginning of the Glöckler runs, violent gusts of wind joined in. Some passports capitulated to this weather chaos. The majority tried to do the Glöcklerlauf in the traditional way, mostly with older canopy sets. But they too had to end the traditional activity prematurely because the heavy rain continued until after midnight. The damage to the Glöckler caps was considerable.

Passe Alt Kohlstatt was badly hit Ebensee. Several Glöckler caps were completely destroyed by gusts of wind during the run near the valley station of the Feuerkogel cable car. Max Höllmoser, Head of the Passe says: “That was bad luck. We wanted to present our beautiful custom to the spectators. When you see the result, you almost cry. But whining doesn’t help. Now it’s time to work and stand together. The Passe Alt Kohlstatt will definitely be there again next year.” The Glöcklerpasse of the local fire brigade also complained about severe damage to the caps and had to end the Ebensee Glöcklerlauf prematurely.

In Traunkirchen only three passports were out and about wearing caps this year. Heavy rain and wind already hampered the Glöcklerlauf at the start in the town square. The concluding meeting of all Traunkirchner Glöckler in the forest campus and the singing of traditional crib songs fell victim to the bad weather.

In Bad Ischl the Glöcklerlauf began with the entry of the kings on horseback, accompanied by shepherds, children and singers. Due to the persistent bad weather, fewer Glöcklerpassen arrived in the town center, and several groups had to break off the Glöcklerlauf prematurely. The Glöckler run was canceled in the village of Pfandl.

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Source: Nachrichten

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