
Top Viennese rowers died in an accident while training in Italy

Top Viennese rowers died in an accident while training in Italy

According to local media, Christoph Seifriedsberger was with other cyclists when he was hit by a car. At the wheel was a woman who came from the opposite direction and lost control of the car, which landed in a canal. Seifriedsberger, who had been with the national team in the coastal town of Sabaudia for a few days, died on the spot. The medical staff who were called after the accident could only confirm his death.

“The rowing family is in shock because of the unspeakably tragic accident and asks to respect the privacy of the relatives. The athletes and supervisors who are present are being psychologically cared for,” said the ÖRV.

The Carabinieri are in the process of reconstructing the exact course of the accident. The injured driver who caused the accident was breathalysed and her car was impounded. She was taken to the “Fiorini” hospital in the town of Terracina for examination.

A few hours before the Austrian’s death, another cyclist had a fatal accident on the same road, the media reported. Fatal accidents involving cyclists make daily headlines in Italy. At the end of November, former professional cyclist Davide Rebellin was hit and killed by a truck while training near Vicenza.

Christoph Seifriedsberger won the U23 World Championship in 2016. The Viennese was only 26 years old.

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Source: Nachrichten

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