
Allegations of plagiarism against simulation researcher Popper

Allegations of plagiarism against simulation researcher Popper

In his blog, Weber explains that Popper quoted passages about the human respiratory system in his diploma thesis (2001) without identifying them accordingly. Popper admitted to the APA on Monday that he had taken passages “without reflection”. He is available for processing.

In the work entitled “Simulation of the Respiratory System: Compartment Modeling and Modeling of Perfusion”, which Popper submitted to the Technical University (TU) Vienna, there are “numerous 1:1 plagiarisms from the Internet on more than 30 pages “Weaver writes. In the diploma thesis, Popper “tried to understand the blood flow in the lungs (lung perfusion) “from a mathematical point of view and to create a simple model based on this. First, the structure and function from the literature were summarized,” writes the simulation researcher on Twitter.

“It will probably be like this”

His actual scientific work consisted of creating a model of the processes and carrying out analyses. Popper reminds us that “the diploma thesis is proof that you are able to work scientifically”. As he recalls, he took the explanations on the structure and function of the lungs “without reflection” from physiology books – “that will probably be the case,” said Popper to the APA. For example, he “apparently” did not identify his description of the anatomy of the lungs as a quote.

For his part, Weber concedes in the blog entry that “direct quotations under quotation marks” are “hardly ever” found in mathematics and computer science: “But it does not follow from this either that in mathematics and computer science copy/paste without references to sources (references ) may be worked.”

In any case, he implemented the model and its parts independently and also documented this, according to Popper. “I think it’s okay that Weber looked at his work, that’s part of it,” explained Popper, who emphasized his repeated commitment to transparency in science.

It is not up to him to speculate about possible consequences, one has to wait for possible reviews. This also includes clarifying the question of whether the medical explanations are part of the core of a technical-mathematical work. Weber also announced that he intends to devote himself to Popper’s dissertation. “Of course I support that,” said the simulation researcher on Twitter.

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Source: Nachrichten

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