
Sánchez criticizes the Spanish far-right with a parallel to the Bolsonaro attacks in Brazil

Sánchez criticizes the Spanish far-right with a parallel to the Bolsonaro attacks in Brazil

Immediately afterwards, he referred to what happened in Brazil last Sunday, where groups of Bolsonaristas assaulted the headquarters of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches.

“Two days after” the Workers’ Party (PT) won the elections in Brazil, “a coup attempt was made by the ultra-right,” a fact that began “with lies, calling the democratic government elected by Brazilians,” Sánchez said.

This continues “with an escalation of verbal violence, insults, tension and an attempt to polarize and ends with the assault on democratic institutions,” warned Sánchez, for whom President Lula da Silva’s party “is the only barrier that stops fascism in its conquest for power”.

Having said this, and already placing himself in Spain, he said that “a method that does not fail” to recognize an ultra-rightist is that “they are always opposed to any social advance”, and cited, by way of example, the opposition exercised in Spain against the policies of his government.

According to the president, an ultra-rightist is the one who opposes the rise in the minimum wage; the rise of retirements; to reduce job insecurity; opposes the Minimum Vital Income; opposes fair taxation; he opposes equality policies between men and women and denies the scientific evidence that we are facing a climate emergency.

“When they fail to block these advances through democratic means, because the citizens turn their backs on them, what they do is oppose democracy and resort to assaulting democratic institutions,” said the chief executive without explicitly mentioning any specific party. .

Source: Ambito

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