
Graphic: The amount of snow in Upper Austria from 1962 to today

Graphic: The amount of snow in Upper Austria from 1962 to today

Geosphere Austria (formerly ZAMG) has recorded the amount of snow in Gosau (765 meters above sea level), on the Feuerkogel (1618 meters above sea level) and at Almsee (590 meters above sea level) for more than six decades. The data from the Feuerkogel even go back to 1931. According to this, in 1937 between November and April there was an average of more than two meters of snow on the mountain. According to the records, it was by far the snowiest winter. With an average snow depth of 29 centimeters, 1964 was the “weakest” snow year. The graph then shows constant ups and downs. However, the number of winters with little snow increased – also in the valley.


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Source: Nachrichten

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