
A modern church “must not be a local history museum”

A modern church “must not be a local history museum”

The major changes in society and the church pose major challenges for the parishes: New thinking and new organizational structures are the order of the day so that the Christian faith and the message of Jesus can also be convincingly proclaimed and lived in the Steyr region in the future. As recently reported, the number of people leaving the church in Upper Austria is higher than ever. Under the motto “Workshop ‘Church’ – Visions for the future of the parish of Steyr”, committed and interested people from 15 parishes will meet on January 27th in the church at the Resthof to develop new ideas of what church in Steyr and the surrounding area can look like in the future . Goals should be worked out together. Despite the great loss of importance of the church in society and despite difficulties within the church, people want to courageously shape the future of the church. The motto “workshop, church” was deliberately chosen. It is intended to show that there are no recipes and no ready-made answers for this process of change. “We are excited about the outcome of this workshop meeting,” say the initiators. A modern church like the one in the Resthof district as an event location has a symbolic character. It is about an open church of the future. “The church must not be a local history museum,” says Karl Ramsmaier from the deanery management.



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Source: Nachrichten

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