
They arrest Anderson Torres, former Bolsonaro minister investigated for the coup acts

They arrest Anderson Torres, former Bolsonaro minister investigated for the coup acts

anderson torres


The plane in which the ex-minister traveled arrived near the 7:30 (local time and Argentina) to the airport of the capital, where Torres was expected by the Federal police, their lawyers told the press. His arrest was ordered by the judge of the Supreme Court (TSF), Alexander de Moraeswho is investigating him for alleged “omission and collusion” during the assault on the headquarters of powers Executive, Legislative and Judicial.

Besides, the Federal police found in Torres’s house a draft of a decree to not know the result of the elections who consecrated to Lula. Torres himself admitted the existence of the document that “was going to be crushed in due time in the ministry”.

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In your social network account Twitterthe former minister wrote that the paper “was filtered out of contexthelping to feed fallacious narrativesagainst him, and remarked that he has “a clear conscience” and that respect democracy.


The document is a minute of a decree so that the then president Bolsonaro could establish the defense state at the headquarters of Superior Electoral Court (TSE)in search of reverse the result of the elections he won Lula.

The eraser has three pages and was found in the closet from the house of towerswho was on vacation in Miami, USAand that he returned hours after the Government anticipated that he was going to ask for his extradition to North American country if he didn’t come back before next monday.

Source: Ambito

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