
Cars should give way: Linz City wants to become more attractive

Cars should give way: Linz City wants to become more attractive

Mayor Klaus Luger and planning councilor Dietmar Prammer (both SPÖ) ventured surprisingly far on Tuesday: They want to “bring out motorized private transport as much as possible,” said Prammer, who also sees the need to “reduce parking spaces in the city center”.

A car-free main square has been discussed for a long time in Linz, or whether pedestrian zones have more advantages or disadvantages for shops. But people were always hesitant. The fact that things are now moving has something to do with the completion of the Danube bridges, some of which have already taken place, some of which are imminent, and which are intended to relieve the traffic in the city center. The city officials believe that this will also allow traffic flows in the city to be rearranged.

Prammer is toying with the idea of ​​more pedestrian zones and more areas where people can linger “without having to consume”, where greenery, benches and water ensure quality of life. This is difficult on the main square because there is an underground car park and a bunker underneath, which prevent trees from being planted, but it would certainly be possible on side streets and in smaller squares. “It’s about reclaiming public space for cyclists and pedestrians,” says Prammer.

It is also hoped that this will allow vacancies to be filled with shops and the mix of sectors to be improved. One does not want to capitulate in the face of competition from shopping centers – specifically PlusCity, which is connected to Linz by a tram: “Shopping centers are imitations of a city center. I believe that we can do city centers better than shopping centers,” says Prammer self-confidently. In order to revitalize the business districts, they also want to get in touch with the landowners, because “without a commitment with the owners, nothing will work”, Luger sees the city’s possibilities here as limited.

The city intends to publicly advertise the “Linz inner city concept” project in the near future. The award is planned for March, and a final report should be available in mid-2024. Citizens are also called upon to submit ideas. There will be a competition for the design of the main square.



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Source: Nachrichten

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