
Vitamin D reduces risk of respiratory diseases

Vitamin D reduces risk of respiratory diseases

Respiratory tract infections – from banal colds to life-threatening flu or RSV infections – currently affect a particularly large number of children and adults. But with a simple measure recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), the risk of acute respiratory infections can be demonstrably reduced: by getting a good supply of vitamin D.

It fulfills essential tasks in the immune system and can prevent acute respiratory infections. Because of its antimicrobial, immune-regulating and anti-inflammatory properties, vitamin D not only reduces the risk of disease, but also alleviates the course of the disease.

The connection between particularly low vitamin D values ​​in winter and severe courses of respiratory diseases has been known for a long time. Numerous clinical studies show that vitamin D deficiency is largely responsible for this.

According to a large review study, regular (daily or weekly) vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of acute respiratory infections by up to 70 percent in children and adults.

Ideal vitamin D levels

Experts from the Endocrine Society define levels below 50 nmol/l of vitamin D in the blood as a deficiency and between 50 and 75 nmol/l as insufficient. Values ​​of 75 to 150 nmol/l are desirable because, according to scientific studies, they optimize health and also have a sufficient effect on the immune system. Below 30 nmol/l there is a pronounced vitamin D deficiency, which can have fatal effects.

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Source: Nachrichten

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