
Usain Bolt: $12 million missing from account

Usain Bolt: $12 million missing from account

Sprint world record holder Usain Bolt is on the hunt for around $12.7 million that went missing from his accounts at Jamaican investment firm SSL. As a lawyer for the multiple Olympic champion, who retired in 2017, explained on Wednesday, there is only a sum of $ 12,000 (11,070 euros). The money was intended for the pension insurance of Bolt and his parents.

If the money doesn’t turn up, the matter will be taken to court, the attorney said. In a statement on January 12, SSL spoke of possible misconduct by a former employee, security protocols had been tightened and the authorities informed. Jamaica’s Treasury Secretary Nigel Clarke expressed shock on Tuesday at the scale of the fraud, which apparently killed not just Bolt but others.

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Source: Nachrichten

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