
Three girls rescued from smoke-filled apartment

Three girls rescued from smoke-filled apartment

A neighbor of the children, a policewoman and a policeman became lifesavers: In the late afternoon, the neighbor alerted the police that he heard children screaming and that there was a fire in their apartment. The apartment door was locked. Smoke could already be seen in the stairwell when police arrived. When the children didn’t respond to shouts and knocks, the policewoman kicked open the door. Rescuers found the children, aged one, four and five, in the bedroom. They carried the little ones outside and provided first aid until the rescue team arrived. As it turned out, the mother hadn’t turned off a stove when she left the apartment. Leftover food then began to burn.

The mother, who had meanwhile returned to the apartment, drove to the hospital with the ambulance and her children. The policewoman and the policeman also had to be given first aid by the rescue service and drove to the hospital for a check-up with suspected smoke inhalation.



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Source: Nachrichten

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