
Suspected burglar tried to flee from police

Suspected burglar tried to flee from police

Only after a warning shot by the police could he be arrested on Thursday, as the police reported on Friday. Previously, he is said to have become violent towards his ex-wife in her apartment in the morning. This alerted the police, who then began a search. The man initially fled. A few hours later, the woman found out from a relative where her ex-husband’s apartment was and immediately passed this information on to the police. The police drove to the address in the south of Linz. When the suspect saw the police officers, he fled the window and ran away. However, some police officers had been waiting in front of the house and took up the pursuit. After he continued to run despite being asked to stop, the warning shot was fired. The police were then able to arrest him. He is said to have stolen the two diesel tanks in Laakirchen in November, where he was caught by the police and fled. According to the police, he only partially confessed.


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Source: Nachrichten

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