
Upper Austrian caused accident with neighbor’s car

Upper Austrian caused accident with neighbor’s car

The Upper Austrian stole his neighbor’s car around 9:00 p.m. and drove off drunk and without a license. Half an hour later, he had an accident with the stolen car on the B144 in Stadl-Paura.

Despite snowfall and poor road conditions, the 23-year-old overtook the car of a 49-year-old man from the Wels-Land district. He went off the road, crashed into a fence and finally into the 49-year-old’s car. The 23-year-old’s car overturned and came to a standstill on the roof. The 22-year-old passenger of the accident driver was injured in the accident and was taken to the Wels-Grieskirchen clinic after first aid. The 23-year-old, whose alcohol test showed a blood alcohol level of 1.48, also went to the hospital with minor injuries. The driver of the other vehicle was not injured, police said.

The 23-year-old was able to start the vehicle because the neighbor had forgotten his car key in the driver’s apartment.



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Source: Nachrichten

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