
Attack on government headquarters in Somalia ended after six hours

Attack on government headquarters in Somalia ended after six hours

All six attackers from the Islamist terrorist militia Al-Shabaab were killed, the information ministry said on Sunday evening. Two security forces and three civilians were also killed. Four other people were injured.

A suicide bomber drove a car loaded with explosives into the gate of a government building around noon. Armed terrorists then stormed the seat of the regional government, which houses, among other things, the office of the mayor of Mogadishu and the governor of the surrounding Benadir region, police officer Mohamed Dahir told the German Press Agency. According to Dahir, the terrorists fired around. The mayor and numerous other officials were taken to safety while the terrorists besieged the building, Dahir said. The terrorist militia claimed responsibility for the crime via the radio station Andalus.

The crisis state on the Horn of Africa with around 16 million inhabitants has been rocked by terrorist attacks and other acts of violence for years, especially by Al-Shabaab. The government has been waging a military offensive against Al-Shabaab for several months. The government was able to reconquer large parts of central Somalia. At the same time, the extremists are increasing the frequency of their attacks.

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Source: Nachrichten

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