
Linzer injured police officers and himself in the drug intoxication

Linzer injured police officers and himself in the drug intoxication

The police became aware of the man when he made a lot of noise at the main station and became increasingly aggressive. When he did not want to disclose his identity and could not be calmed down, the officers arrested him after two warnings, the police reported on Sunday. He resisted and spat. As he lay on the ground, he kept hitting his head on the ground, according to the executive. When the police tried to fix him in a sitting position, he hit his head against an advertising sign.

The officers also had their hands full with the man in the police car, as he repeatedly banged his head against the walls and kicked his legs against the walls. Even in Police Detention Center he had yet to be prevented from banging his head against a wall. When he tried to do this particularly violently, a police officer was injured in the hand.

When he was interrogated the next day, he could no longer remember the events of the evening. However, he could still remember that he had taken drugs and drunk a lot of alcohol. It is shown multiple times.


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Source: Nachrichten

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