
Mobile phone robbery and brutal brawl: Two youths in custody

Mobile phone robbery and brutal brawl: Two youths in custody

The two young men and another accomplice had snatched a mobile phone from a Chechen man on the corner of Hofgasse around 2 a.m. on Saturday, which the 27-year-old had previously stolen from a bar. A scuffle ensued, during which the Chechen was knocked to the ground and kicked in the body and head. His injuries were so severe that he later required hospital treatment, but he pursued the trio nonetheless.

Witnesses had meanwhile alerted a police patrol on the main square to the brawl. The officers stopped the 27-year-old and questioned him. For the time being, however, there was no trace of the three refugees. A Linz landlady finally put the police on the right track. The woman reported the theft of her cell phone shortly after the incident. A location led the police to an address in the Kirchdorf area. Upon immediate investigation, two of the three suspects were caught. The boys admitted to being connected to the scuffle in the old town. They were arrested and taken to the Linz police detention center.

The third fugitive, a 17-year-old from the Steyr-Land district, was soon found. The stolen mobile phone was also secured during a check at his home address. In addition to reports of narcotics and robbery, two of the three young people are also reported under the Weapons Act. After consultation with the Linz public prosecutor’s office, they ordered the boys to be admitted to the Linz prison.



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Source: Nachrichten

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