
Train accident: Six months conditional for train drivers

Train accident: Six months conditional for train drivers

The 53-year-old train driver was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment for negligent public endangerment. On May 9, 2022, the train was traveling at 145 km/h instead of the prescribed 60 km/h and derailed. The judgment is not final.

“I dream every night that the passengers are screaming,” said the Hungarian, who was seriously injured in the accident. At the trial, he stated that the main signal had initially displayed red and then switched to green. That’s why he picked up speed again. However, due to a disruption, the track had to be changed. The “Ventus” train of the Raaberbahn, with around 70 passengers, drove on the way from Deutschkreutz (Oberpullendorf district) in Burgenland to Vienna Central Station at 145 instead of 60 km/h in Münchendorf through a switch and derailed.

One of the six wagons of the double set was supported in a field. A second had broken down on the side of the embankment next to the train track. The other four cars jumped off the tracks. A 25-year-old from Eisenstadt died in the accident. The train driver and two passengers from Vienna, a woman (35) and a man (78), had serious injuries, other passengers suffered minor injuries.

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Source: Nachrichten

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