
Oscar-Out for »Corsage«

Oscar-Out for »Corsage«

Marie Kreutzer’s Sisi drama “Corsage” did not make it onto the list of the last five works in the race for the 2023 foreign Oscar. When the Oscar nominations were announced in Los Angeles, the Austrian contribution was denied success after the debate about Florian Teichtmeister. He plays Emperor Franz Joseph in “Corsage” and has to answer in court for child pornography at the beginning of February.

As disappointing as this end must be for director (Marie Kreutzer), production, ensemble and film crew (because one will never know exactly whether it was solely due to artistic achievement), it is a relief for the public debate.

For the “Causa Teichmeister” it was designed as a permanent overlay of topics (suspects, problems in the film industry, victim-perpetrator issues, feminism), which laid a veil over the original abuse that was the reason for the electrification in this case: sexual violence in children, the sexual inclination of the perpetrators, the way in which it is communicated: too little, emotionalized, related to occasions that need a scandal that shouldn’t have happened from the start.

With the end of “Corsage”, the Oscar PR machinery fell silent. A window of time opens up for speaking loudly and clearly about taboo issues: They relate to education, protection, work with perpetrators, prevention and later checking whether one can even take political declarations of intent at their word in such cases.

Oscar– On the other hand, the German production “Nothing new in the West” with the Viennese actor Felix Kammerer in the leading role has the prospect of honors at the Hollywood gala on March 12th. In addition, “Argentina, 1985” (Argentina) and “EO” (Poland) also made it into the final round for the foreign Oscar.

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Will “Corsage” stay in the Oscar race?

Nora Bruckmuller

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Source: Nachrichten

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