
Bitcoin Anniversary: ​​14 years have passed since the first publication of Satoshi Nakamoto

Bitcoin Anniversary: ​​14 years have passed since the first publication of Satoshi Nakamoto

The white paper entitled: Bitcoin: a User-to-User Electronic Cash System.

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Two months after the mail was sent, in January 2009, the Bitcoin code was implemented with the extraction of the genesis block. Very few imagined what was being born at that time, much less what would beginning of a monetary revolution.

Today, 14 years after its creationadoption is getting higher, people are more interested in learning about cryptocurrencies, blockchain and investing, and the governments of the countries began to take it into account, either to regulate it or to use it: El Salvador was the first country that adopted it as legal tender while central banks timidly begin to develop CBDCs.

The technical and historical basis behind the bitcoin white papersupports the main origin of the cryptocurrency and its idea of ​​a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, promoted in an unprecedented way by Satoshi Nakamoto on October 31, 2008. Three months later, in January 2009, the birth of Bitcoin with the extraction of the first block of the networkknown as the Bitcoin Genesis Block.

14 years after the publication of the Bitcoin whitepaper, the emergence of the cryptocurrency is evident. There are many visions regarding what Bitcoin is, its current and future usefulness, but what is certain, 14 years after its origin, is that Bitcoin opened the door to a new financial paradigm that every day looks further away from niches, to become a powerful alternative financial tool to the traditional system, decentralized, without censorship, without intermediaries and open source.

Source: Ambito

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