
Dollar today: how much it closed this Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Dollar today: how much it closed this Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Market sources detailed that since the beginning of December the monetary authority accumulates purchases for a little more than US$280 million.

“The soybean dollar contributed US$114 million today”, said Gustavo Quintana, an analyst at PR Corredores de Cambio, when specifying the total liquidated by the agro-export sector.

For his part, andhe us dollar today-without taxes- increased 15 cents and closed at $176.59, according to the average that arises from the banks of the local financial system. Meanwhile, the dollar banknote in the Nation Bank climbed 50 cents to $176.

In the parallel market, meanwhile, the dollar blue rose for the first time in seven days and returned to $315.

Qatar dollar price, Tuesday, December 6

The new qatar dollar -which includes 30% of the COUNTRY tax, 45% deductible from Income Tax and Personal Property TaxY a new perception of 25% on account of Personal Assets- it rose 30 cents to $353.18.

This exchange rate applies to Consumption abroad with debit and credit cards over US$300 per month.

Price of the tourist dollar or card dollar, Tuesday, December 6

The tourist dollar or card -retailer plus COUNTRY Tax, and a perception of 45% deductible from Income Tax and Personal Property Tax for consumption with cards abroad of up to US$300 per month- rose 23 cents to $309.03.

Savings dollar price, Tuesday, December 6

The dollar savings or solidarity dollar-which includes 30% of the tax COUNTRY and 35% deductible from Income Tax and Personal Assets- it climbed 25 cents to $291.37.

Price of the wholesale dollar, Tuesday, December 6

The wholesale dollar, that directly regulates the BCRA, it rose 33 cents to $169.49. The volume traded in the spot segment was US$418 million, in the futures sector of the Mercado Abierto Electrónico (MAE) operations were registered for US$14 million and in the Rofex futures market US$645 million.

Price of the CCL dollar, Tuesday, December 6

The Dollar Cash with Settlement (CCL) shoots up $10.82 (+3.3%) and operates at $341.29, which marks a gap with the official wholesale exchange rate of 101.4%.

MEP dollar price, Tuesday, December 6

In turn, the MEP dollar jumps $9.77 (+3.1%) to $328.88, with which the spread with the official reaches the 94%

Price of the blue dollar, Tuesday, December 6

In the parallel market, the Dolar blue went up $2 to $315, according to a survey of Ambit in caves of the City of Buenos Aires. Thus, the gap with the official exchange rate reached the 85.9%.

Price of the crypto dollar, Tuesday, December 6

The crypto dollar or bitcoin dollar earn 1.3% to $323.20, based on the average among local exchanges reported by Coinmonitor.

More news about Dollar and Dollar blue

Source: Ambito

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