
Dollar: how to process before the AFIP the return of 35% for the purchase of foreign currency

Dollar: how to process before the AFIP the return of 35% for the purchase of foreign currency

Who can request a refund

According to the criteria of the AFIP, they may request a refund to those who received the payments for the purchase of savings dollars, purchases with credit cards and purchases in foreign currency that are paid in pesos, acquisition of services abroad through through tourism agencies, purchase of tickets abroad, among others.

Those who are not taxpayers of income tax or personal property tax may not request a refund.

STEP BY STEP: how to request a 35% refund

  1. To request a refund, you must enter the AFIP website (www.afip.gob.ar) press “ENTER” in the “ACCESS WITH TAX CODE” box. Next, you must enter the CUIT/CUIL/CDI number and the tax code. Then press the “ENTER” button.
  2. The system will display on the screen the list of AFIP services that you have enabled. There select “My Web Applications”. If you can’t find this service, you must enable it using the “Fiscal Key Relationships Administrator” option.
  3. Enter the service “Return of perceptions”. If you do not have it within your enabled services, you can add it from the “My Services” option. You only have to write it in the search engine and press the ADD button.


4. On the initial screen you must select the tab “NEW” to create a new presentation. There you will have to indicate the period (YYYYMM) for which you want to make a request. You must make a presentation for each month in which perceptions were made.

5. Then you can select or deselect the perceptions that correspond. The sequence “0” indicates that the presentation with which you are operating is the original one.

6.If the perceptions were reported by a withholding/perception agent, all you have to do is select them and request their return. If necessary, you can add them manually when they have not been informed. Remember to add only those corresponding to General Resolution No. 4,815 and save the supporting documentation, since it may be required for verification. Tax codes 217 or 219 apply for regime codes from 591 to 600.

Once loaded, the system will allow you to RECORD the presentation and leave it as a “draft” or SUBMIT to begin the return process.

7. If you press SUBMIT, the system will ask you to confirm the operation to begin the process of processing the return of the earnings.

8. In case of detecting an error in the affidavit, a rectification may be generated. To do this, in the “Search” tab, you must enter the data corresponding to the period (YYYYMM), the status of the request (Draft/Submitted/In process/With error) and the date of modification from – to. Then press OK.

9 .Next, the system will show you all the forms loaded for the indicated period and status. It will also allow you to add new columns from the last modified dropdown.

10. The “Perceptions with approved return” tab will contain the information of those perceptions that have already been entered in a previous request and that are approved in the payment process or paid.

Source: Ambito

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