
Education: 7 tips that help you study without stress

Education: 7 tips that help you study without stress

1. Let’s not forget that multitasking is a myth

We must do one thing after another, not all at once. When we get distracted, we have a hard time concentrating again, so make sure your child “prepares” his study place: that he is not interrupted, that he leaves his cell phone far away, that he has water, his notes or whatever he needs at hand .

2. Study with friends

The brain is social. When we study with one or two friends, asking each other questions and reviewing, we help the information reach the long-term memory better. Do not send him to his room to study alone: ​​better than studying alone, it is studying accompanied.

3. Repetition

You have to repeat to remember. If we read once and move on to another topic, the brain does not take it as important and we do not generate strong neural connections. You have to repeat the information but at different times. Studying on several different days, repeating the information is more effective than studying everything in one day.

4. Brain breaks

The brain also gets tired. Remind your child to take 10 minute brain breaks every hour/hour and a half of studying. Let him go for a walk, dance, move. As we move, oxygenated blood rises to the brain, allowing us to think more sharply.

5. Get a good night’s sleep

Not sleeping after studying and going straight to give is very little benefit. On the other hand, if they study, and then sleep well at night, they will remember much more, because sleep consolidates memory.

6. Relaxation techniques

Who has not had to go through nerves or fears before taking an exam? Who has not had their mind go blank before a question in an oral? Relaxing through meditation, visualization, mindfulness, or any technique that helps us relax will reduce stress.

When we are afraid or stressed, the body secretes cortisol, one of the stress hormones, which inhibits learning and prevents us from remembering. Help your son to implement some relaxation technique so that his emotions work in his favor, and not against him.

7. Segment

It is more profitable to study little by little, than all together. Help your children to spread out their study moments.

And let’s not forget that if they do poorly, making mistakes is part of the learning process. An exam does not define them as people. Learning from failure helps us to be more resilient.

Teens who don’t learn to “fail with dignity” will be adults without perseverance, and they won’t believe in their abilities to push themselves to succeed.

She is an international trainer for Cambridge University Press, a TEDx speaker and has written numerous books on education, among which we can highlight “Just because you teach doesn’t mean they learn” (Ed. Bonum), and “Strong and Happy, the manual they didn’t give you when you had children” (Ed. Bonum). (@LewinOnline)

Source: Ambito

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