
Data protection: between the proliferation of cyber attacks and the urgency of regulation

Data protection: between the proliferation of cyber attacks and the urgency of regulation

Currently the level of technological standardization is very high, that is, the action protocols at the internal and external levels, due to the foreseeable costs when scaling the use of the services.

Once the intermediate layers are enumerated, we will be able to understand the level of protection and risk assumed with greater discernment. It is very human to jump to the conclusion that we are in control by thinking holistically but without the necessary detail to back it up. At least keep in mind that cyber attacks can be carried out at all levels.

The sophistication of the attacks has reached a point of impressive development. Today it is possible to execute a successful attack without installing any software with special permissions. It is possible to steal access credentials by capturing them without an easily detectable intrusion.

Faced with this reality, What strategy would be up to the risks? The first step is to recognize where we stand against adversaries. And from there understand the possibilities of action in the short and medium term. In addition, to encrypt the servers and have a backup to be able to deal with lost information.

Let’s keep in mind that a few weeks ago, millions of data from users of the Twitter social network were leaked. Probably one of the networks with the highest security due to the content of political use with massive exposure and worldwide. And in June a TIkTok content theft was discovered, exposing the leak of private data to China. Having an impact on a review of control policies in foreign companies operating on North American soil, at the initiative of the president himself.

It would be helpful to review the security frameworks of non-governmental organizations such as NIST, Mitre, SANS, among others. They come from years of elaborate research in an enormous variety of technological environments, methodically arriving at conclusions validated by their practicality. In other words, it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel, the options are available to all sectors of the public and private sphere.

Perhaps the biggest question is what kind of incident would justify raising the priority of this issue that is so complex to address. We are already seeing provincial governments and national organizations having their work interrupted by successful attacks. What would be the next step to take?

Chief Technology Officer of BGH Tech Partner.

Source: Ambito

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