
Entrepreneurs: how to apply the Ikigai of your personal brand step by step

Entrepreneurs: how to apply the Ikigai of your personal brand step by step

But what is, in itself, “Personal Brand”? It is a set of tactics and strategies that defines you, differentiates you from others in your market, and, over time, will leave a mark that generates the most positive impact and perceptions possible in the other people and segments you target.

And what does it take to build it? I believe that there are four central aspects in any brand and that they are personal experience, professional career, training and differential skills and competencies, on which your added value is based.

As you can see, it is a strategic action, consciously designed, thinking about the objective you want to achieve. For example, there are those who yearn to have more visibility; others, sell their products or services, become a benchmark in their sector, obtain better proposals, or draw the attention of a certain segment.

Depending on your objective, it will be the tactics that you will use.

  • The center of your Personal Brand is your Being

In the midst of so much posturing on the networks, it is good to return to the essential concept of this construction action sustained over time, and that concept is the Being, that is, who you are and what you offer to the market.

So the process to start building it is from the inside out, not the other way around. Why? Because no matter how many communication, actions, advertising, participations and publications you do, if there is no sense and coherence, purpose and direction, your message will be perceived as diffuse and may not attract attention or be perceived as lacking in authenticity.

  • An ancient philosophy from Japan to the rescue of your Personal Brand

To help you build the pillars of your brand, one of the tools is ‘Ikigai’. You may have heard about this concept, based on a Japanese word that means “your reason for being and existing”, and it has been widely spread in the West due to its simplicity and practicality.

There is something interesting in its origin: the term comes from the Edo period, a historical period that prevailed in Japan between 1603 and 1868. It is believed that the word was coined by Sei Shonagan, a 10th-century writer who described a lifestyle in the that people live for pleasure and enjoyment.

It also began to be used in circles of samurai warriors to designate those who were worthy and followed the code of honor. And it is at this point where Ikigai makes a lot of sense for those who forge their Personal Brand: the issue of adding value based on who you are, what you do, and the way you do it.

  • Step-by-step tutorial: How to apply Ikigai to your Personal Brand strategy

Whether you want to offer and communicate something tangible, like making and selling a product; or intangible, such as providing a service, helping, caring, protecting, inspiring, motivating, Ikigai will be that compass that will guide you.

These are the four steps that I have designed specifically for your Personal Brand inspired by this ancient Japanese philosophy:


The Personal Brand consists of a set of tactics and strategies in order to project what you are in essence and what you love to do. This coherence between being and acting is what will generate the domino effect so that your target audience knows you, observes you, draws their attention, and finally, accompanies your initiatives. Over the years something highly sought after will come, reputation, if you are consistent along the way.

Some questions to discover what you love to do: What am I passionate about? How do I/can I do it? What is my essence in what I do? What is my source of inspiration? that work, even if they didn’t pay me? Is there a higher goal that guides me?

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Kindness: Multimedia Word

You can start by making a written list of everything you are passionate about and what you think may be of interest to different audiences, or a specific one, and that you can transmit it using different communication tools of your Personal Brand.

Here are some questions about this last point, that of communicating your value offer: In what language will you communicate? To what audience? How often? In what channels, ways and platforms? objective? What aspects will you consider in your strategic plan to achieve the goals?

2° – WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS FROM WHAT YOU DO – Put your passions into action:

Once you have identified what you love, start looking at how you can connect your Personal Brand with what the world needs. Please, don’t just leave it in your mind or in a dream: put it down to a concrete and written plan.

For example, you can think of it in terms of your services, your creativity, your drive, your particular way of doing something specific, your approach and professional framework.

To achieve this: Take the list of what you love to do, and write next to it at least 3 ways to transform each item into a specific action.

Investigate everything that exists, and the spaces that remain to insert your value proposition there regarding what the world needs.

Then, define a plan of small constant steps, to set some of those forms in motion.

3rd – WHAT YOU WOULD BE PAID FOR BECAUSE YOU ADD VALUE IN A UNIQUE WAY – Make your passion your way of life

When you have discovered how to put your Personal Brand into action reflecting what you are passionate about, there is a direct connection with the need that the world, your community and people have, and from there, you could transform it into a way of life.

To achieve this, write down next to the specific forms of action, some ways that you can think of that you could offer your brand, product and services to different types of people, and turn it into a source of your income.

Think of it like a business plan, where you define products, services, promise from your side (what you promise to whoever hires you), and how you will do it. Also the resources you have, and those you don’t; and how you will get them. For example, asking for help from certain people, having mentors to guide you, or studying some aspect that you need to improve.

For example, if you are a person who trains, it can be through sessions, courses, books, conferences, podcasts, and any other way of adding value from your unique and special essence, around a constant communication system.

4 – WHAT YOU ARE VERY GOOD AT/AND YOUR IMPACT DIFFERENTIAL – Shine up what distinguishes you

You may have lived for many years thinking that you have a knack for a certain thing, a talent for another, a gift for certain tasks, even if you have not made it your main source of income.

Well, in this fourth step of Ikigai, you will reinforce points 1, 2 and 3, and you will write (next to the third step) what you think makes you stand out in what you have chosen.

If you look, this fourth step is what marks your difference with other people, your “competitive advantage”, as it is called in the world of marketing and business. It is this digital footprint, unique and unrepeatable, that can help you find the space for action, even if the area where you want to enter is very competitive.

  • At the heart of Ikigai is the purpose of your Personal Brand

Pay attention to this: In the union of scope one and twoyour mission appears: what you propose and carry it out.

Just where two and three connect, there is your vocation, that which you have carried deep in your heart, and that perhaps you have put into practice in life, or not yet. You can start right now.

Later, at the conjunction of three and four, your profession appears more clearly, which is what you do and what you can earn a living with, adding value to people, companies and organizations, as the unique and different being that you are; with your experience and professional endorsements as support.

Y between areas four and onethere is passion: the fuel and energy that comes from putting into action what you do very well in line with what you love.

Once you have worked on the aspects of the four steps, right at the intersection of those four spaces, the meaning of Ikigai will appear: you will have a clearer purpose of life, the reason for being and existing through your Personal Brandwhich is the sum of the strategies you will use to position your voice in the world.

Do you dare to carry it forward?

Facilitator and Master Executive Coach specialized in senior management, professionals and teams; mentor and professional communicator; international speaker; author of 32 books. LinkedIn Top Voice Latin America. Professional Coach certified by ICF at its highest level, Certified Coach and Member of the John Maxwell Team.

Source: Ambito

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